Lili  zoekt een Kamer in Groningen

Lili zoekt: Een Kamer in Groningen

  • Kamer
  • Min. 14 m2
  • Vrouw
  • 19 Per direct

Hey my name is Lili i´m 19 years old and from Hamburg, Germany. Since my study programme (european languages and culture) will start in September I am currently looking for a nice and cozy room in Groningen.
After I graduated last year I took a gap year and travelled for the first half of the year through Asia, the second half I went to a folk High school in Copenhagen. I would describe myself as a very open minded and social person. In my free time I mostly hang out with friends or go out at night. I also like to cook and bake since i used to work in a bakery for a long time.
Looking forward to hearing from you :)
Greetings from Hamburg, Lili

Algemene informatie: Lili
  Vrouw, 23 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  1e jaars European languages and Culture BA (HBO)